Tuesday 11 March 2014

Giving Up Control, Can You Do It?

This weekend was the first time in a long time that I gave up the control I typically have behind my own steering wheel. It is not often that I am not one the driving when hanging out with friends or heading to school and work, but this weekend things changed up just a little bit.

Over the weekend I went on a mini vacation to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and let me tell you my flight there was quite the experience. Being March break I was literally SURROUNDED by children. A row of children 10 and under in front a mom with two toddlers behind and I sat next to a 13 year old boy with a serious starring problem. That is until her fell asleep on my should, how cute NOT. It has been an extremely long time since I have traveled with anyone under the age of 18 and it is probably I task I would not mind avoiding for another 10 years. Don't get me wrong I love children and I work with them on a daily basis but I just wanted to travel in peace. (Side note: I need louder head phones).

Back to the actual flight.

As the driver you are used to bracing yourself for bumps and avoiding pot holes when possible. But sitting in the 15th row in zone 4 on Spirit Airlines direct flight to Myrtle Beach took that control away completely. While our pilot seemed like a nice enough man these turbulence seemed boarder line rector scale materials. This plane was bouncing around the entire time, no napping and no homework possible. I have never been so grateful to land.

Getting back into my car when I returned home on Monday, after a much smoother, quieter and enjoyable flight was a blessing. You never realize how much you take having the control of knowing what direction you are going in and what the road conditions are like for granted.

However while I was gone my speedometer still somehow changed. Hopefully my family enjoyed burning all my gas!

56,834 kms and couting.


  1. I was recently on a flight with a ton of turbulence as well, and can completely relate to the feeling of no control. It is worth it to escape the weather though, I am dreaming of Myrtle Beach today! Great post!

  2. Turbulence is never fun on flights and I can totally relate to traveling with children under the age of 18 (heck, under 12 even). Although they are sweet at time, there is only so much of them you can take during the flight (especially if it's a long one). I agree with Gillian though, all of it is worth it to escape the weather. By the looks of it outside..spring couldn't come sooner...looks more like a second winter out there. Here's to daydreaming about a much warmer place.

  3. Ah - I can totally relate to in flight frustrations. Between turbulence (which instantly gives me sweaty palms) and crying babies, it can be insanity. I aways try to sympathize with parents of screaming children though - the destination is always worth the journey!

  4. Just want to start off with this; I am so happy that you had a great trip, you deserved it.
    I know what you mean when it comes to flying because I literally HATE IT! I would much rather make a huge road trip out of it, but getting their a hell of a lot faster is something I appreciate. I remind myself of that during the take off and the landing, oh and getting through security haha

  5. I cringe just thinking of being on that flight. I'm assuming you'll probably want to drive down next time.

    Glad you enjoyed the rest of your trip, though! Totally not jealous. At all.

